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Ostiliomobili accepted the challenge and took the field for this restructuring.

It seems impossible to live in a house and feel surrounded by everything that can satisfy the body and soul in order to make daily life lighter and more meaningful. But transforming simple square meters into a continuous and fulfilling experience that can turn seemingly inert objects into always available allies to our needs can be done, even if it sometimes seems like a daunting task! It is often said that if we were to change homes, we would do this and not that, we would want this thing and not the other, and then, once changed, something still doesn't work as we would like. In short, creating a custom-made habitat that can satisfy the eyes in every direction without giving up comfort in all its meanings is not as straightforward. The needs of a family are diverse and can change over time, tastes differ, and getting everyone to agree becomes a challenge.

A villa on Lake Iseo with a panoramic view.

The view over the lake is obviously a significant advantage and a great element to calm the spirits and make them more open and available to joy, for this reason the windows have been made large, like wide open eyes for wonder.

Interior design in every detail.

The interiors have provided spacious areas to create zones that can be openly related but also well defined so that relaxation can be guaranteed, food preparation does not risk invading other areas of competence, and the dining room is appropriately more secluded so that diners do not lack a decent privacy.

"Mi piacerebbe viaggi

A look at the sleeping area and bathroom, environments made elegant and refined.

Leading us into the night area is a white, modern staircase, reminiscent of a Greek design that cuts through the space with grace and elegance. The night area offers the same conscious strength that combines sophistication and comfort without any compromise. The soft black leather bed by Molteni dominates the space and its dark tone is immediately balanced by the Sangiacomo walk-in closet shining in its golden smoked glass. The villa continues with other areas, both internal and external, completing a carefully planned path to make possible and enjoyable the beauty that satisfies the senses, the comfort, and the functionality that make life easier.

"Il mio cane

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