Home - Home Furnishings - Equipped walls - Parete attrezzata IM20 L20

Wall equipped with IM20 L20 shelves by Clever


The modern Clever Wall Units are the most beautiful on the market: the IM20 L20 Wall Unit model in the photo is waiting for you.

To optimize an open space, the most beautiful furniture compositions on the market furnish the living area by enhancing every corner. To eliminate the diverse housing issues of each individual, the renowned and well-known brand has designed a rich catalog of modern and functional Wall Units characterized by refined aesthetics. The Wall Unit with shelves IM20 L20 by Clever in the photograph offers high modularity and different possibilities of customization: discover the wall unit featured here and contact us for more information and quotes. Enhance your spaces with Clever's modern Wall Units: in our store, you will find furniture and accessories of high quality, always made with first-rate materials and from the best brands.

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