Home - Home Furnishings - Madie - Domino Più 18P sx

Domino Più 18P left sideboard by Sangiacomo


The sideboard available here is part of our rich collection of home furnishings in matt lacquer for

If you are passionate about furniture and always up to date with the latest trends in the field, our exhibition center is the right place for you. If you are looking for a space-saving living room cabinet model, discover a wide range of furniture from the best brands in our store and contact us for information and quotes. Modern sideboards, including the model shown in the photo, personalize the living room or dining room with well-designed lines and great storage capacity. The Madia Domino Più 18P sx by Sangiacomo in the photo, with a matte lacquer finish, solves the most specific style and space needs, furnishing the living area with practicality and a unique style. Even in a small-sized living room, these living room furniture pieces are able to meet different housing needs, offering a variety of customizations tailored to your measurements.

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